Saturday, September 6, 2008

My own talk show?

So it was mentioned in the Straits Times today that I long to host my own Talk Show on Singapore television. This was brought up in the section which featured several Asian trans women in the mainstream.

I had lunch with my ex boss the other day and she said I was just too loud, just too brash and irascible etc. etc. etc. to fit into Singapore society, but the point is, Singapore needs chilli padis like us to add colour and spice to a cosmetic social landscape.

I have not chosen to flee my country and take my "fight" elsewhere. This is my country. This is where I belong. And I will contribute towards building a gracious, enlightened and humane society for as long as I can read, speak, write my own talk show?


.::: .: :.:. :.: ... ::: :. .::. .: :. ::. said...

haha, read about you in the papers and remembered about your blog.

anyway.....24 sep, siangcheng, debbie, weichean and i will be dropping by the York Alumni thing at Orchard Hotel. You going?

about the pap cycling event, i'm pretty sure the standard answer (in a wayang way) would be that it was a PAP Community Foundation event. Not by a political party but it's charitable arm.

- jackson

Monica Roberts said...

Congratulations and best of luck wih your show.

Any positive thing that happens for a transgender person in their local areas helps all of us GLOBALLY.